
Showing posts from March, 2024

We sing without fear

"Τραγουδάμε δίχως Φόβο”, a Greek transposition of Vivir Quintana’s “Canción sin Miedo” by femininities of the Open Orchestra “Canción sin Miedo” by Vivir Quintana is a landmark song against femicides that are committed daily in Mexico and in Latin America more broadly. The composer, Vivir Quintana, sang and recorded this song in a highly symbolic move, together with mothers from Oaxaca, Mexico, whose daughters were victims of femicide.  Inspired by Vivir Quintana’s powerful lyrics, femininities of the Open Orchestra created a Greek transposition of the song in an effort to stand together and stand up against patriarchy and the violence it reproduces. The song became part of a wider call by the Open Orchestra for a big music performance for International Women’s Day 2022 where the Open Orchestra, along with the Open Feminist Assembly, Mov, Oistrogones, the 8th March Assembly, Meliries, the Network of Women Writers against Gender Violence and Femicides “i foni tis” and many others u

End Gender Stereotypes


Antigone vs Creon

  " Antigone   "   by Sophocles The tragedy of Sophocles   "Antigone"  is to this day one of the most popular works of ancient speech and was used like no other text to denounce the  authoritarianism  of power (Creon) on the one hand and to highlight the value of   disobedience  ( Antigone) against state power.  Antigone's stance was presented and interpreted as a democratic and  revolutionary  act  and became a symbol   of combativeness  . The conflict   between Creon   and   Antigone  refers to the eternal conflict between the two terms of the binomial   Individual - Autocratic state  .  The individual claims the right to  autonomy   and free will against the   power  and institutionalized violence of the State.  It is argued that the tragedy   "Antigone"  includes all the arguments for the law of the   "Morality  " of an act (Antigone - burying the dead) and for the law of a legal act (Creon's Order) but not necessarily moral. (Creon)
 this is a video that explains what stereotypes are and how young people perceive them, hope you like it💭